Monday, December 13, 2010

Rainy Evening founds

If there's one thing I love is to do fashion research. I don't need to buy things to have fun but to look for inspiration in stores watching the way people dress and the way the clothes are designed can make my day happier.
This week, when I finally realized I'm on vacation, I spent the afternoon walking around. Not only I discovered an amazing store, I couldn't help myself from taking photos of my favorite things around. Hope it inspires you too!

This basic and expensive T-shirt carries one phrase that called my attention for being exactly what I think about when choosing an outfit.

I fell in love with these martini colorful skirts....

these amazing lace dress remembered me of a dress I drew.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Shuffle Stuff

Maybe it is a lot of information on only one post but as I am not posting too much recently, I decided to resume my last month with some nice things I noticed around.

this nice outfit called my attention this week while I was walking on my way to buy cupcakes. My friend asked me if I didn't find it tacky but "different" is a way I found to describe it better.
a nice wall of Bienal
to white dresses on two little girls at Bienal
a great sense of style on a 5-year-old-girl that happens to be my sister. (I loved the hair and the rainbow skirt)
rainbow nails painted by me
a nice old telephone I found out (it happens to be one of my new vintage addictions)
a notebook for a friend made by me
cute bracelets
my friends heart shoe I just loved
the amazing polka-dot shoes I bought when remembered about an article I read about Tom shoes

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saved by the old

Last saturday night, while spending our usual hours before the party talking and getting ready, I suddenly opened my friend's wardrobe wondering if I could change my outfit (and help Lau to choose her own) but I couldn't find something that seemed right to wear.

Lately I've been looking forward all kind of vintage stuff and the idea of sneaking into her mother's closet and trying to find something else to wear was exactly what we needed to have a couple hours of fun. The outfits are a result of one of the looks we chose and, as we liked, decided to take some pictures.

One thing I could discover this Saturday: my addiction on finding old "vintage" stuff around the house was way better than spending an evening at the shopping.

my outfit (left) includes Lau's grandma's purse and a beige lace skirt used as a dress.